Inicia colegio de formación doctoral para profesionales de las ciencias médicas de Mayabeque.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The doctoral training college began as part of the activities planned for the signing of the agreement between the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque and the Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez University.

The activity includes five semi presencial courses, the first is introductory and the rest on line due to the current epidemiological situation caused by Covid-19.

Thus begins the preparation to train new Doctors of Science in the young province.

This inter-institutional agreement aims to center the bases for the establishment of collaboration that allows the development of continuous training processes for research, development and innovation projects of common interest to share knowledge and available technological resources.

The signing of this agreement constitutes a tool to favor operational processes and strengthen development and capacity to increase medical benefits and other services in the sector.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque, Dr. Yanelis Reyes Fernández, said that this training for future Doctors of Sciences will allow them to develop viable and comprehensive strategies to respond to the health and public health priorities of the population.

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