Perfeccionan actividad judicial para delitos vinculados a la Tarea Ordenamiento.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Mayabeque Provincial People’s Court together with the municipal courts implements actions to deal with crimes related to the Ordering Task in criminal proceedings.

This system, in conjunction with the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, carries out a training process for all its lawyers in order to achieve greater justice in this new process that the country and the province are going through.

The Institutional Communicator of the Mayabeque Provincial People’s Court, Jenifer Ortega, said that these new measures that have been ruled as a result of the implementation of the Ordinance Task, since last January, interfere in the processing and examination of the judicial processes in the matter of non-criminal matters.

For this reason, it has been necessary to improve judicial activity in accordance with the legal instruments.

Por Redacción Digital

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