The humidity and abundant rains of this season favor these crops in areas that do not have irrigation.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The spring campaign is progressing favorably in Mayabeque despite the effects of the deficit of some inputs, as a consequence of the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

This was confirmed by the Director of Several Crops of the Agricultural and Forestry Business Group of the territory, Carlos Suarez Álvarez, who highlighted the limitation of resources to face this campaign, especially fertilizers and pesticides.

“Due to the responsibility that the province has with the supply of the capital, there is always a priority on the part of the ministry and the country’s management in providing us with a level of inputs that guarantees us the assurance of production to supply the city’s markets. ”, Assured Suarez Álvarez.

In addition, this spring campaign is working on the production of around 727 hectares of fruit trees. The humidity and abundant rains of this time favor these crops in areas that do not have irrigation.

Suli Mary Carrasco Fonte

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