Prevention is the main antidote.

Mayabeque, Cuba: In the current summer months, the health authorities of San José de las Lajas urge the residents to take extreme hygiene measures at home and in the workplace, given the increase in Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes and the presence of patients infected with Dengue.

The clearing of patios, the sealing of empty tanks, the cleaning of refrigerator trays and the storage of containers located on rooftops and areas prone to filling with water due to the incidence of rains are measures indicated by doctors to avoid breeding places of the dangerous vector.

They also call for any symptoms of fever, acute or incessant abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, drowsiness and excessive exhaustion; not to self-medicate and to attend the doctor immediately in order to prevent aggravations.

For the control of arboviruses in the capital city of Mayabeque, prevention is the main antidote in the hands of self-responsibility, self-focus and public cooperation both at home and in each working group.

Jorge Luis Lazo

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