In Mayabeque 56 positive cases yesterday.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The province of Mayabeque reported at midnight yesterday 38 positive cases to Covid-19 in 8 of its municipalities, all contacts of confirmed cases, the official eebsite of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) in Cuba reports.

The territory with the highest number of cases is Jaruco with 17 infections, Bejucal has 7 people with the virus, Madruga and San José de las Lajas have 4 cases each.

Güines registers 3, and Nueva Paz, Quivicán and Santa Cruz del Norte have one respectively.

Yesterday the province had no deaths.

The health authorities urge to maintain discipline, and comply with social distancing, the correct use of the mask face and the constant washing and disinfection of hands, to avoid future outbreaks of the pandemic.

Por Redacción Digital

Equipo de redactores del sitio web de Radio Mayabeque

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