Balance assemblies of the Communist Party of Cuba begin in November.

Havana, Cuba: Analyze, among all and from the root, the work of the Communist Party of Cuba in strengthening the direct link with the people, as well as the impact of its operation on the political and ideological work and on the economic development of the nation, will focus the balance assemblies that will begin in November at the grassroots levels of militancy, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

The process is continuity of the 8th Congress, of the fundamental pillars that were defined for the transformation of the Party’s actions and democratization in its ways of doing, in how the role of the militancy is revitalized and that integration is carried out with other structures and organizations, to In order to analyze the realities, but tempered to the particularities of each territory, César Joel Suárez Pellé, deputy head of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee of the PCC, highlighted.

The discussion of these guidelines, together with the renewal or ratification of mandates, will be held in the municipal and district committees between November and December of this year, and in the provincial structures between January and February 2022, according to Emilia Acuña Lemes, deputy chief of the Organization and Cadres Department of the Central Committee of the PCC.

Although these assemblies will be held with limits of people, due to COVID-19, the entire militancy will be represented by the general secretaries of nuclei, the members of the candidacy projects, the current members of the committees at different levels, as well as by other selected militants, he stressed.

These assemblies, he said, will invite debate, to review what has been done and what is missing, in “an analysis that resembles the people, their problems and concerns, what happens in our society”, as a concrete continuity of the Congress.

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