Mayabeque, Cuba: The Pedrín Troya Municipal Museum of San Nicolás has an alternative room to teach the specialized workshop on children’s repentismo and musical accompaniment, “Lino Cruz”, as part of the project “The Punto Cubano and other peasant traditions”.
As highlighted on the Cultura Mayabequense site on Facebook, the Museologist Odalys Fraga García, this event is dedicated to the rescue and dissemination of the espinela in the province.
The first Sundays of each month the museum offers the activity “Ephemerides and guitars”, a fixed space of the cultural program dedicated to the Cuban point, Fraga García added.
The peasant guateque was born in rural areas and later moved to urban areas and is one of the representative elements of the intangible cultural heritage of San Nicolás.
The museologist highlights on the online site that one of the best-known guateques of the 20th century took place at the Gómez Mena sugar mill on February 24, 910.
In addition, it included a ribbon tournament, horse races, palo encebado, among other activities and concluded during the night with a dance of traditional music.
In the year 1,978 a peasant group called “Alegrías del batey” was created, and between 1,982 and 1,985 the groups “Rumores nicolareños” and “Variedades campesinas” were formed, the latter currently directed by Esteban León, keeping the tradition alive in the territory. (YQR)