Rechazo internacional a secuestro de diplomático de Venezuela por Estados Unidos.

Venezuela: Authorities from various countries and international organizations today express their rejection of the extradition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab to the United States, after being illegally detained for 491 days in Cape Verde, Prensa Latina reports.

The Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, denounced the arbitrary detention and the politically motivated judicial process of Washington against the special envoy of the Government of Venezuela.

Through his account on the social network Twitter, the island’s Minister of Foreign Affairs described this as a manipulation of justice and International Law by a government that protects terrorists, assaults and stole funds from the people Venezuelan.

During a meeting with the executive secretary of ALBA-TCP, Sacha Llorenti, the Nicaraguan vice president Rosario Murillo reiterated the solidarity of the Central American country with the authorities and the people of Venezuela, in the face of an event that violated all the norms of international law.

In this sense, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Treaty described the transfer of Saab to the United States as kidnapping to face charges for alleged economic crimes.

In this regard, the countries of the integration bloc alerted the international community about the bad precedent of this action in violation of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.

The Alliance called for the respect of the life and physical integrity of Alex Saab, who is the permanent representative of the Venezuelan Government at the dialogue table with the Unitary Platform of the opposition based in Mexico.

ALBA-TCP ratified its support for the Executive and the people of the South American nation in all actions aimed at ensuring and protecting the human rights of its citizens.

Previously, the Sao Paulo Forum demanded that the US judicial authorities immediately release and repatriate Alex Saab, expressing its rejection of the arbitrary transfer of the Venezuelan official to US territory.

The executive secretary of the agreement mechanism of the Latin American left, Mónica Valente, said in a statement that Washington once again shows its disrespect for international law, by ignoring the immunity of a diplomatic representative, which opens a serious international precedent.

Venezuela accredited Alex Saab in 2018 as a special envoy, whose functions were to facilitate the obtaining of medical supplies, food and other essential goods, in the face of the obstacles imposed by the United States blockade.

In mid-2020, the official was arrested in Cape Verde at the request of Washington, during a technical stopover of the aircraft that was transporting him, and in ignorance of the inviolability of the immunity corresponding to his investiture as a diplomatic agent.

According to complaints from the Bolivarian Executive, the arrest responded to the siege campaign orchestrated by the previous US administration against Venezuela, in order to inflict more suffering on the people and destabilize their institutions and internal order. Metawords: kidnapping, diplomat, Venezuela

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