In Mayabeque 19 positive cases yesterday.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The province has a favorable decrease in positive cases to Covid-19, at the end of yesterday it reported only 19 people infected with Sars-CoV-2.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) in Cuba, of the total number of patients distributed in 8 of the 11 municipalities, one does not specify a source of infection and the rest are contacts of confirmed cases.

The municipality of Nueva Paz, with the highest number on this day, registers 7 cases; Madruga and San José de las Lajas have 3 diagnosed with the virus by territory; while San Nicolás: 2 and Batabanó, Bejucal, Güines and Melena del Sur 1 infected each.

The authorities of the demarcation do not report any deceased, however, the population must maintain compliance with the hygienic-epidemiological measures to continue the reduction of those infected with the virus, and the possible reappearance of the disease.

Por Redacción Digital

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