Havana, Cuba: The Cuban Ministry of Public Health reported on Monday four deaths and 633 samples positive for Covid-19 during the last 24 hours, for an accumulated of 952 thousand 634 diagnoses since the beginning of the disease in the nation, publishes Radio Havana Cuba.

At midnight yesterday, October 30, 11,425 patients were admitted, 6,127 suspects, 1,624 under surveillance and 3,674 confirmed active.

For COVID-19, a total of 20,856 samples were made for surveillance during the day, resulting in 633 positive. The country accumulates 10 million 541 thousand 921 samples made and 952 thousand 634 positive.

Of the total cases (633): 623 were contacts of confirmed cases; 8 with a source of infection abroad; 2 without a specified source of infection. Of the 633 diagnosed cases, 328 were female and 305 male.

10.5% (66) of the 633 positive cases were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 131,105, which represents 13.8% of those confirmed to date.

The 633 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years old (94), from 20 to 39 years old (157), from 40 to 59 years old (206) and over 60 (176).

Of the 952 thousand 634 patients diagnosed with the disease, 3,674 remain hospitalized, of them 3,578 with stable clinical evolution. 8,240 deaths accumulate (4 in the day), fatality of 0.86% vs 2.03% in the world and 2.45% in the Americas; two evacuees, 55 returned to their countries, on the day there were 847 discharges, 940 thousand 663 recovered patients accumulate (98.8%). 96 confirmed patients, 41 critically ill and 55 seriously ill, are cared for in intensive care.

Por Redacción Digital

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