Por una mayor cultura del reciclaje en la población.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The planting of 60 trees in areas of the Pedro Pi community in San José de las Lajas and 50 in the municipal base units of the Mayabeque Raw Material Recovery Company are among the activities for the 60th anniversary of the founding of this entity type.

As part of the actions to commemorate the six decades of life in the exercise of recycling in the province, there are the days of sanitation in the community, the participation in the Virtual Forum “Young people contributing to the Development of Recycling” and the remodeling of the provincial company structure.

On the coming November 7, they will carry out a Mass Festival of Raw Materials Collection in areas of the Micro neighborhood and in coordination with the student, political and mass organizations of the territory.

The Mayabeque Raw Material Recovery Company also works to raise the culture of recycling in the population for the reuse of materials and saving resources for the country.

Por Redacción Digital

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