Mayabeque, Cuba: The municipality of San Nicolás reaches a high rate of infestation with the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, for which its health authorities carry out intensive actions such as the investigation and the fumigation campaign.

The surveillance and vector control technician of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the loclaity, Cintia Blanco, explained:

“At the moment we are in block number nine undergoing treatment in a house that is positive for Aedes Aegypti. We are also carrying out to the fumigation in the houses of people with dengue, spreading throughout the area in the territory.

Health authorities insist on the need for autofocusing, cleaning areas, homes and workplaces to eliminate the conditions that promote the spread of the vector.

Blanco points out that the fuel is used in cases of dengue and in positive or risk neighborhoods, and the collection of solid waste within the established time is vital.

Everyone’s contribution is necessary and decisive in the fight against the mosquito that transmits dengue and other diseases.

Por Redacción Digital

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