Developing own vaccines against Covid-19 was an urgent need for Cuba, a matter of sovereignty and national security.

Cuban vaccines have demonstrated their efficacy and effectiveness, already with revealing indicators throughout the country and with the endorsement of our science. As the population is immunized, the numbers of sick, serious, critical and deceased begin to gradually reduce.

In the province of Mayabeque, the decrease in positive cases for Covid-19 since the beginning of the health intervention is considerable.

The provincial director of health in the territory, Doctor Luis Armando Wong Corrales, has explained on several occasions the guarantee of immunogens and exhorts the population to attend the vaccination sessions with discipline, confidence in the procedure and in the preparation of medical personnel.

According to the vice-head of the Cuban Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Pedro Mas Bermejo, these are very high levels of effectiveness, even with the Delta variant of the coronavirus, compared to other studies.

This confirms the importance of getting the vaccine and confirms the strength to prevent serious forms of the disease.

To minimize the chances of contagion, it is necessary to use a double mask face, and place it correctly, covering the nose and mouth as its name indicates, constant hand hygiene, the use of gel or hydroalcoholic solutions.

In addition, another measure is the distance from people to more than 1.5 meters, do the foot steps in homes and workplaces, remove the used clothes as soon as you get home, and wash them immediately or keep them in a bag, and inside the houses, wear masks if there are vulnerable people or anyone with symptoms.

Cuban vaccines generate the production of protective antibodies, reinforce the immune system, are safe, have a very high efficiency and effectiveness, already demonstrated, and reduce the risk of getting sick, or reaching seriousness and death, that is why it is vital attending the vaccination centers immediately and complete the schedules for the return to the new normality.

Por Redacción Digital

Equipo de redactores del sitio web de Radio Mayabeque

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