The Cuban woman, faced with the complex situation caused by Covid-19, knew how to face the pandemic and grew up as a worthy daughter of the line of Mariana Grajales.
There were no claims and there was a lot of delivery from home, work centers and in the defense of the homeland, which once again demonstrated her strength in times of crisis caused by the Coronavirus.
This forced the Cuban women and their families to carry out multiple and complex tasks such as teleworking, studying at a distance and permanent coexistence, with little time dedicated to leisure activities, as well as a reduction in social contacts.
However, women do not stop complying with that daily dedication of love towards their children, husband, parents, together with the constant dedication of the task in each working day.
It is fair to recognize the Cuban women for their extraordinary performance as part of the health personnel, from primary care, with permanence in the Red Zone, and their participation in the confrontation with Covid-19 in numerous Medical Brigades in the world.
It is also important to note that out of every ten science, innovation and technology workers on the island, more than five are women, and they are present in the production of vaccines in the largest of the Antilles against Coronavirus, the only ones produced by a country in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Women are one of the great strengths of Cuba, a small nation that resists in the Caribbean the aggression of the northern empire that does not want to recognize the greatness of this people.