Apertura del turismo en instalación del litoral norte de Mayabeque.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Workers at the Memories Jibacoa Hotel, belonging to the Cubanacán Group, set up the facility for the reopening of borders and tourism.

In this sense, the conditions of the service areas, rooms and public areas wereimproved.

The Deputy Director General of the hotel, Yusley Sánchez Enrique, said that with the increase of the air operations in the country, they foresee an increase in the occupancy of the tourist center, based on the gradual arrival of international visitors and the resumption of customer service .

The occupancy levels of national and foreign tourism, the repetition of visitors and the quality of services are among the indicators that distinguish Memories Jibacoa.

The hotel has the most hygienic and safe tourism certification, endorsed by the acceptance of its clients. In addition, it is committed to the renewal of the tourist product under strict health protocols.

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