Inauguración de la exposición Recuerdos dedicada al pintor Jesús Álvarez Mesías (Pupi).

Mayabeque, Cuba: The culture sector in Batabanó begins a program of activities corresponding to the new normality with the exhibition of the month entitled Memories, in homage to the death of the prominent painter Jesús Álvarez Mesías (Pupi).

In the House of Culture of Surgidero, where this exhibition is located, the art instructor Gretchen García Guerra led the thread of the inauguration with the participation of a varied public and the authorities of the field.

On the other hand, the literary instructor, Rosendo García, along with his student Dailanys Felipe Pupo, a student at the Arturo Puig school, are enthusiastic about the first face-to-face meeting in this post-Covid stage.

Dailanys exposed her gifts through verses in free poetry. They were joined by the students of the workshop Live your dreams of the visual arts teacher, Yoan Pérez Núñez.

Darlenis Hernandez y Yuliet Casanova

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