Havana will host the Meeting of Commercial Techniques 2022.

Cuba: To promote the updating of knowledge and good practices in the art of commerce, the Cuban Ministry of Internal Trade (MINCIN) will hold, from February 18 to 23, the Meeting of Commercial Techniques 2022, Cubasí reports.

According to the entity’s website, the event will take place at the Linea and 18 Fairgrounds, in the capital’s Vedado, and will include the participation of production entities, marketers, and wholesale and retail state services.

Non-agricultural cooperatives (CNA), micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), self-employed workers, local development projects, universities, science technology and innovation centers, association institutions, among others, will participate.

According to the MINCIN, this meeting will allow exchanges with several actors of the Cuban economy to contribute to the modernization of trade in the current context and market goods and services to the population.

Meetings of commercial techniques, exhibitions of products and services, scientific events and recreational activities are part of the activities planned for the event.

Entities and people interested in participating can communicate by email: comunicacion@mincin.gob.cu or by Whatsapp, at numbers 52791690 and 52693192.

On February 23, the Ministry of Internal Trade will celebrate its 61st anniversary with the mission of proposing and, once approved, directing, controlling and supervising the policies of the State and the government in terms of internal, wholesale and retail trade, logistics warehouses and consumer protection.

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