Anuncian en Mayabeque programa de actividades por el centenario de creada la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The presentation of the communication campaign to commemorate the centenary of the creation of the University Student Federation took place at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque.

The meeting with the students was chaired by the communicator of the FEU national secretariat, Armando Alejandro Cruz Torres, who expressed that the Alma Mater Magazine should reflect the stories of the students of the medical sciences careers.

At the meeting, the students of the house of higher studies expressed their commitment to the organization upon reaching its centenary of creation.

The University Student Federation, better known by its acronym FEU, is a Cuban organization that includes all Cuban university students. It follows the guidelines of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Young Communists League.

The Alma Mater Magazine is the means of communication for Cuban university students. Founded by Julio Antonio Mella in November 1922, it is the oldest young publication in Cuba.

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