Mayabeque, Cuba: She is not an Oncology specialist, nor did she participate in the invention of any medicine capable of alleviating, preventing or curing cancer. Perhaps her name does not appear in the heading of notable research on this condition, but in the women of Jaruco, Ana María Ofarrill, I assure you, she is inscribed in capital letters and in full color.

This nurse has dedicated herself almost four decades of her life to making happy those who give life and constitute the horcón of families. She specialized in Obstetrics when she was very young, because her vocation was to help and her gift to make herself indispensable.

Participating in childbirth and making possible the arrival of a new seed in the world was a gift that she will never tire of thanking, but her true graduation in the sublime act of healing was reached when she became the right hand of the specialists who discovered and treat cervical cancer.

Salvation also has to do with tenderness, I deduce from what she says, from what she has done. And it is that her assignment has not been limited to doing a test as simple as cytology or explaining, guiding and preventing infections or recklessness.

Ana María Ofarrill can become a tree, a fan or an island, depending on what a woman with fears and despair or with hopes and certainties needs.

Her eyes may seem sad, but her mouth is always partying and that gesture has the indescribable power to create bridges and happiness.

Today she works in the Benign Pathology Consultation and in the Family Planning and Preconception Risk Consultation at the Noelio Capote Polyclinic in Jaruco, but it is possible to find her in any other position, as long as they need her hands, her wisdom and her kindness.

It may happen that the seasons are reversed or the hands of the clock dance differently, but nurse Ana María will never forget a duty, much less the value of her cap and her uniform. She is an extremely happy woman who had no children of her own, but she received the award of a wonderful family, she acknowledges.

I didn’t dare ask her about the future, it is not necessary. She will continue to be one of the essential “nurses” of Jaruco. When she appears, all the storms dissipate and the horizon is redrawn so close, so luminous.

It is not me who says it, her own story tells and it is highlighted in this sentence from the Jaruco Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist, Dr. Marcial Lesteiro: Ana María Ofarrill: she is the best of the best!

Marlene Caboverde Caballero

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