Mayabeque, Cuba: In order to have a digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate with the required security, a computer system was developed with the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) to obtain the Digital Vaccination Certificate of the Republic of Cuba,  through which any person who has been vaccinated in the national territory can access the information by generating their digital certificate.

This document does not replace the official vaccination card (model 84-21-02a), it will constitute one more option to carry the certification of the vaccination scheme in Cuba for that disease.

The certificates that will be issued in the system have a QR code, with personal identification and vaccination data, all digitally signed and is considered a portable, safe and verifiable personal tool.

In addition, the certificate complies with the standards adopted by the European Union and recommendations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), giving the possibility of being verified by some foreign entities.

The digitalization of the immunization process already covers 80 percent of the population vaccinated with the complete schedule, so this service can be considered a test.

This information is supported by the Andariego Vida computer system, which constitutes the official vaccination registry in our country, centrally covering the process of recruiting the vaccinated person.

From the Cuban application repository APKLIS it will be possible to download the CuVac19 verifier, which will be used to enable the verification of the QR code of the digital certificate in institutions, entities or premises that request a vaccination certificate.

The verification process is carried out by reading and decoding the QR code of the certificate, which contains the vaccination data registered by the National Public Health System.”

In some cases, the service will not generate the certificate, this means that, although the subject is already vaccinated, his data has not been completed in the digitization process. In this situation, the user must go to the Department of Attention to the Population of the Health Area in which he received his vaccination schedule and request his/her information be digitized.

It is essential to present the official vaccination card (model 84-21-02a) and your identity document to start the application process.

This process can take a maximum of seven days and the applicant will be notified by phone. Once the process is complete, you can enter the service again to obtain your digital vaccination certificate.

Procedure: Office of Attention to the Population in the Health Area.

• It will assist people who request the digitization service of their vaccination data and will follow up until the completion of the process.

• It will record the following data: Full name, identity card number, age, sex, contact telephone number, date of each dose applied and place where he or she was vaccinated (for this service, the vaccination card that must be presented by the person requesting the vaccination will be used).

• Deliver the individual information of each of the applicants to the person in charge of the Department of Medical Records and Health Statistics of the polyclinic to start the process.

• It will inform the applicant that the system has 7 days to execute the process.

• If the vaccination certification has been completed before the end of 7 days, the applicant will be notified by phone.


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