Kiev: The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said on Monday that the country is striving to counter attempts to create panic in a systemic way by spreading false information and distorting reality.

“Today, the national information space is experiencing an unprecedented impact of this kind,” the SBU said in a statement, which considered that combination of events as “another powerful wave of hybrid warfare.”

According to the agency, this is an attempt to sow alarm in Ukrainian society and undermine faith in the state’s ability to protect its citizens. He added that panic is being encouraged through social media.

The Ukrainian intelligence service clarified that Kiev analyzes the various possible scenarios, taking into account the development of events, and assured that an action plan is planned for each of them.

The SBU urged the citizens of the country to remain calm and not succumb to provocations.

In recent days, the United States, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Japan, Spain, among other countries, announced the evacuation of some officials and relatives from their embassies and consulates in Kiev.

Other nations urged their population not to visit Ukraine in the coming days. Such decisions were described by the authorities of this country as premature and without reason.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that generating rumors in the West about the inevitability of war in this nation is very costly for its economy.

Speeches by Western politicians, diplomats and the media about alleged Russian plans against Kiev have escalated over the past two months, actions that Moscow denounced.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitri Peskov called the strategy an empty and unfounded escalation of tension and stressed that Russia poses no threat to anyone.

Likewise, he warned about the possibility that using the presumed Russian attack as an argument, provocations could be produced to justify those words.

According to the head of the Kremlin press office, attempts to resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine by force will have serious consequences.(IVP)

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