Presidente de Estados Unidos exhorta a adoptar medidas contra la violencia con armas.

United States: The president of the United States, Joe Biden, urged Congress to enact measures aimed at reducing violence with firearms in the country, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

Biden made this call during the fourth anniversary of the deadliest shooting in American history, which occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people died and 14 were hospitalized.

Congress must do much more to combat violent crime in the country, the Democratic ruler warned.

We need rules that require criminal background checks when purchasing a device, ban the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and remove immunity for manufacturers, he added.

The president also called on Congress to pass a budget that allocates an additional $5 billion for strategies to reduce violent incidents.

We can never recover those we have lost. But we can come together to fulfill the first responsibility of our government and our democracy: to keep each other safe, the occupant of the White House commented.

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