Radio Camoa calls El Guamo radio contest.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Radio Camoa Station announces the first edition of the El Guamo contest, to be held from June 16 to 19, 2022, sponsored by the Provincial Committee of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba and the Union of Journalists of Cuba in Mayabeque.

The objective of the contest is to promote the production of sound designs. The participants will compete in a radio documentary, considered the genre that requires the greatest investigative depth in this medium.

It is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Radio San José, today Radio Camoa, to the 100th anniversary of the Cuban Radio, as well as to the sound producer Mabel Pérez Facenda, with a relevant career in the municipal station, who died on 4 April 2014.

Radio directors from the country who so wish may participate in the contest, with an unpublished work or one not awarded in other contests.

The works presented must be sent accompanied by the corresponding script and the following data: broadcaster or province they represent, name and surnames, identity card, home address, landline and mobile phone and email.

The works in competition can be heard during the months of competition in the El Guamo Contest Telegram group. Users will be able to interact with the filmmakers and leave their comments.

The management of the station, the Provincial Committee of the UNEAC and the UPEC in Mayabeque will designate the jury that will evaluate the works.

They will award a Prize for each specialty and as many mentions as the court considers. In addition, the Grand Prize of the contest and the most popular among the public.

They will also award the Cucumí Prize to the work aimed at boys and girls, which with a high degree of achievement stimulates love for the native and the relationship with its ecosystem. The admission deadline is June 14, 2022. The programs will be broadcast during the months of July and August. The award ceremony will be on August 22 in greeting to the celebrations of the Centennial of Cuban Radio.

Por Redacción Digital

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