Havana, Cuba: The development achieved today by swine genetics in Cuba places it in favorable conditions of competitiveness and quality and efficiency indicators compared to those of the first world, affirmed a directive from the sector, Prensa Latina publishes.

The director of development, innovation and extension of the Swine Genetics Company, Edith Manso, highlighted that the levels currently shown by this specialty are similar to those of Denmark and Canada, where the breeds that today reproduce and develop in the country come from. country.

She explained that currently the main limitations to obtain greater purity and quality in breeding stock for reproduction are related to the availability of modern technology, which is very expensive at the international level.

On the subject, he added that today the country works with six racial genotypes: criollo, landrace, yorkshire, duroc, CC-21 and L35, which are reproduced with the purpose of preserving and improving the porcine genotype based on the correct structure of herds, the proper use of breeds and genetic crossbreeding.

This line of work includes ensuring an adequate breeding structure and increasing the productive potential and the conservation of purity, the level of consanguinity of the herds and their offspring.

Manso meant that to guarantee these purposes they are working on technological development and the incorporation of scientific and biotechnology results, which are applied today on an international scale in pig genetics, which, adapted to the conditions of Cuba, can be maintained, improved and developed.

He added that they also prioritize territorial chaining, which will allow the company to insert itself in local projects, such as the one managed in the municipality of Placetas in the central province of Villa Clara with financing from the United Nations Development Program, which supports the agri-food plans of the nation.

The Porcine Genetic Company, the only one of its kind in the country, is one of the majority shareholders of Sociedad Mercantil Ganaderías S.A, a channel through which it seeks and promotes foreign investment and other businesses in the livestock sector.

Genetics is considered the backbone of pig development on the island, since it guarantees state and private clients the breeding stock for the multiplication and fattening of the mass, an activity that has grown progressively in recent years, and that in 2021 reached a production rising to 23 thousand females and 11 thousand males.

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