Today in Mayabeque 55 positive cases of Covid-19.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Mayabeque reports an increase in positive samples for Covid-19 in recent days, confirming 46 patients yesterday.

The municipality with the highest figure is Nueva Paz with 15 patients; while San José de las Lajas has 9; Madruga: 6 and Jaruco: 5.

For its part, Batabanó adds 4 cases; Santa Cruz del Norte: 3; Bejucal: 2 and Güines and San Nicolás 1 per territory.

The call is not to lower our guard against SARS-Cov-2.

Among the actions, the following stand out: frequent hand washing, the correct and permanent use of the mask and the disinfection of common areas.

The health authorities in Mayabeque and the country indicate not to attend work centers with flu symptoms, if you have not been previously evaluated by a health professional.

Por Redacción digital

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