Covid-19 has changed our lives.

In these times marked by a pandemic that leaves its most fateful mark at a global level, there is also the effort to illuminate the hope and perseverance of those who insist on doing well.

The days that run are difficult, the Covid-19 every day scoring lives that leads to death, leaving mourning and sadness to families and friends.

At the same time a crusade of hatred goes, encouraged by those who do not forgive that Cuba is what it wants to be, and the resistance of more than half a century to continue being the way we want, makes us the target of any number of poisoned darts.

I do not live in a perfect society, and much needs to be corrected from inside so that the wonder we deserve flourishes, so that obstacles, bureaucracy, inefficiency, and ineptitude cease to exist. That is where we have to work on, and it’s about doing more than saying.

That the blockade affects us is true, although some out here and there deny that stark reality. There are some who call it a justification for the Cuban government; it would be worth seeing what the context would be if they raised it at once, I’m sure we would be singing a different tune.

I don’t live in a perfect society. We have shortcomings, we are overwhelmed by obstacles that are often stones sown on the road that multiply discomfort but, from there to unleash hatred, tinged with threats, and offensive phrases goes a long way.

The world is turned upside down, a man over 70 said the other day. I have lived a long time, he added, but now more than a war of bullets I see a war of hatred and that it is very wrong, nobody knows the value of being able to live in peace.

And that is the detail: being able to live in peace, and it is for that tranquility that those of us who do not understand hatred bet. It is for that guarantee established more than half a century ago that Cuba continues to bet on the destiny it chose, that it must be straightened out, it is true. That it is necessary to knot talents and objectivity to seal efficiently everything that is done is true.

I do not live in a perfect society, but the solution will never be in the hands of hatred. Dislike will never be the way. We live in difficult times, we fight for our lives in the face of an invisible but immensely lethal pandemic and it is not fair to spend forces against those who generate so much always visible evil.

For love there are the concerns of those who insist on tattooing this time with pro-life solutions. For love, the unity of those who decide to multiply knowledge to put a stop to mistakes and instead sow progress. For love also the dream of making the imperfect perfectible. For love also the hope of making the path better.

Maricel González Suárez

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