Noise is considered today as one of the main sources of environmental pollution and a global health problem. It is called in some contexts the invisible agent because its intangibility even leads to sometimes fail to establish a causal relationship between the discomfort felt in a certain place and the exposure to sounds of high decibels.
WHO points out that although acoustics is a type of pollution that does not accumulate or transfer, it has a very strong impact on the quality of life and therefore on the health of people. If noise is not adequately controlled, it is one of the most widespread and growing problems, and often not even the laws of countries with the capacity to deal with the phenomenon in a proper manner.
In Cuba the phenomenon of sound pollution moves in a reality that goes from problems of technological obsolescence to social indiscipline that more than one has tried to associate with a facet of our idiosyncrasy.
There is a broad regulatory apparatus, just to mention a few, among the legal norms appear the Law 81 of the Environment, the Decree Law 141/1988, the Road and Civil Safety codes, and the Decree Law 200 of 1999.
In addition, since 2015, at the request of the Government, commissions of confrontation to noise pollution were created at all levels, responsible for establishing action plans to diagnose the emission sources and proceed with their management or eradication, as well as the education of the citizenship.
Since then and to date there have been many reports to the competent authorities (although the lack of specialized equipment such as sound level meters makes it more difficult to control), the investment process and land use have been intentional in this regard and the perception of risk has grown among the population; but similarly, vulnerabilities grow for the proliferation of acoustic damage.