Consulates of Cuba reinforce attention to compatriots.

Havana: The director general of Consular Affairs and Cuban Residents Abroad of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Ernesto Soberón, affirmed this Saturday that 140 consulates of the country reinforce their support for compatriots in the world, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

About to return home, a new group of Cubans from Mexico, Soberón wrote on his Twitter account, when they arrive in Cuba, after the necessary isolation, the long-awaited reunion with family and friends.

The Minister of Foreign Relations, Bruno Rodríguez, recently highlighted the solidarity and professionalism with which works for the return of nationals stranded abroad due to the SARS-VOC-2 coronavirus has been carried out.

Rodríguez noted that 3,815 people are already back in the country and efforts are ongoing for the safe return of others, who are still stranded abroad.

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