Israel lanza cohetes contra Siria desde base estadounidense.

Tel Aviv: The Israeli regime launched rockets against Syria from the Al-Tanf region, where the United States (US) occupation troops are deployed, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

As announced by the Syrian official news agency, SANA, the Syrian air defense has repelled an Israeli air attack against the city of Al-Salamiya and Al-Sabura, in the western province of Hama, on Wednesday morning.

Immediately, after the Syrian air defense identified the hostile missiles, attacked them, managing to shoot down several of them before reaching their targets, they only caused material damage, the media added, citing a military source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, HispanTV refers.

For its part, the Russian news agency Sputnik, quoting one of its correspondents, reported that the missiles intended to attack the Syrian Army positions in Hama, were launched from the Syrian-Iraqi border.

Such attacks were probably carried out from the Al-Tanf region, located in the extreme southeast of Homs province (center), where the US occupation forces. They installed a military base, he adds.

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