Convoca Díaz-Canel a trabajar con rigor y control en las medidas sanitarias.

Havana: When Cuba as a whole is already fully recovered from the Covid-19 epidemic, some provinces in phase one and others in phase two, the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, indicated “to continue working with all rigor, with all demands, without underestimating any of the elements and decisions that have been made”, Radio Reloj publishes.

When leading, together with Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, the last meeting of this week of the temporary working group for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus, the Head of State noted that “every time we make a mistake or when some of the indications and protocols that are proposed and in application are not followed rigorously, that always causes the emergence of a group of cases and a local transmission, which implies more monitoring in certain situations”.

The president highlighted the studies that internationally reveal that the virus is having new strains, which are more infectious. The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that there may be more spread and that in the situation we are in today and in the progress we are making in each of the phases of recovery, requires that we continue to work with discipline he stressed.

Díaz-Canel made reference to a group of aspects that must continue to be taken into account in this stage that the nation is experiencing, such as the strengthening of screening and self-screening; in addition to the philosophy of treating the person who arrives ill at a medical institution as if they had Covid-19, until it is proven that it can be another disease.

The epidemiological indicators that were approved for each of the stages have to be applied in all provinces and territories, he clarified. “That cannot be violated and it must be made transparent in each of the information that is given to the population”, the president emphasized.

Among several points addressed to the temporary working group and the governors, the President of the Republic spoke of “continuing the procedure to reinforce epidemiological control at the border, in the first stage with the taking of PCR samples, because we are already going to have more influx ”.

Likewise, he said, continue to strengthen human resources and infrastructure for medical care in the country’s hotel plant, particularly in the facilities of the keys, where it first opens to international tourism.

The Head of State commented on the implementation of the quarantine period procedure for Cuban and immigrant travelers, starting from phase three. That implies, he added, that the hospitals that are going to stay in the management of the Covid-19 and the centers destined for suspects, contacts and travelers must be determined, which will remain and must all be certified by the Ministry of Public Health.

With a more forward-looking vision, Díaz-Canel indicated to continue the work to strengthen the intensive care units, with all the experiences acquired and with those provided by the returning medical brigades.

In the same way, he added, it is necessary to follow the project for the production of pulmonary ventilation equipment and other means, by the national industry and BIOCUBAFARMA; the application of the advances in SUMA technology in relation to the diagnosis of COVID-19; and attention to regenerative therapy protocols for the treatment of patients with diseases that are sequels of this dangerous virus.

The President of the Republic specified that the development of specific vaccine candidates for Covid-19 and the updating of the final results of the application in patients with SARS-Cov-2 of the monoclonal anti-CD6 antibody, the CIGB peptide, should continue. -258 and the Heberferon.

Of those challenges that lie ahead, he pointed out the strengthening of primary health care, especially differentiated treatment for vulnerable groups; strict compliance with hygienic-sanitary measures in all phases and active research, “which is one of the elements that gives us the most security in all this confrontation”; and maintain randomized studies to detect asymptomatic cases.

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