Venezuelan President rejects an eventual suspension of the parliamentary elections

Venezuela: The Venezuelan president rejects an eventual suspension of the parliamentary elections and denounces “the maneuvers by some sectors” to postpone elections, Radio Rebelde publishes.

“Let no one come to talk to us about suspending elections, no one in the world, heard, so or clearer? In Venezuela we are obliged by the Constitution, rain, shine or lightning, to hold elections on December 6, to hold elections this year, ”Bolivarian President Nicolás Maduro made clear on Sunday in a televised speech on the VTV television network.

The head of state also pointed out that in Venezuela “the people decide, the people rule” for the renewal of the National Assembly; and in the elections “Donald Trump, president of the United States, or Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, nor opposition leader, Juan Guaidó decide”.

The legislative elections will be held on the announced date, that is, on December 6, “with a pandemic [of the new coronavirus, which causes COVID-19] or without a pandemic,” he repeated.

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