Mayabeque, Cuba: Faced with the prevention and confrontation actions against Covid-19 that are carried out in this province, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the territory participates in the operation against line- makers, hoarders and resellers.
“It is up to us to control and provide adequate follow-up to all these behaviors faced by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), to later pass the process to the Prosecutor’s Office, where they review the causes and deliver to the Court those that deserve to be valued for the conduct of the people”, the Chief Prosecutor of Mayabeque, Marta Vázquez Villar, explained.
“From the beginning of the operation to the moment, we have reviewed more than 200 summary processes. The crimes with the highest incidence are speculation, hoarding, whose penalties include fines and deprivation of liberty”.
There is also the option of applying an administrative fine. According to Article 83 of the Penal Code, the citizen can pay the amount applied in the PNR.