Havana, Cuba: The virtual International Youth Meeting Ideas that are Flags calls today to debate anti-imperialism and solidarity through social networks under the auspices of the Young Communists League (UJC by its Spanish initials), Prensa Latina publishes.

The appointment proposes a tribute to the historical leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, on the eve of the fourth anniversary of his physical disappearance.

Likewise, it recognizes the work of health personnel in confronting the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the contribution of young people in this scenario.

To be held from this Tuesday until November 26, the contest invites youth leaders and world personalities to debate under the slogan Unity for Solidarity, Anti-imperialism and Anti-neoliberalism: Necessary Transformation Action in Times of Covid-19.

The space will be broadcast on the website www.ujc.cu and from UJCuba’s social networks with the tags #IdeasQueSonBanderas, #FidelPorSiempre and # JóvenesDeIzquierda.

During the announcement of the meeting, the first secretary of the UJC, Diosvany Acosta, advanced among the topics to be discussed the analysis of proposals facing the current challenges for the economic development and social welfare of the peoples.

For this purpose, the program includes a Central Forum on the thought of Fidel Castro, as well as spaces dedicated to peace and meetings by regions to exchange on the realities of the peoples, solidarity with just causes and cooperation.

“Humanity is experiencing an unprecedented multidimensional crisis, aggravated by the devastating impact of Covid-19, which has exceeded the health field,” acknowledges the call published on the official website of the UJC.

Added to this are wars and conflicts, attacks on the environment, blockades and unilateral measures, human, gender and international rights violations, unemployment, lack of access to education and health services, which impact all societies.

Por Redacción Digital

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