Cuba: The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today denounced the United States’ strategy for the interference and domination of the Caribbean nation through a soft coup, Prensa Latina publishes.

In a message posted on his Twitter account, the president rejected Washington’s insistence to force a change in the system in the largest of the Antilles through a non-violent revolution.

Díaz-Canel shared an article published this Tuesday in the Granma newspaper that analyzes the similarities between this strategy and the most recent events on the island.

The color revolutions, soft or soft blows are, in reality, a mechanism of indirect foreign intervention, created by the CIA for the old policy of changing the social system in those countries with some strategic objective for the United States, the text specifies.

According to the non-violent struggle manual, external factors create, organize, contact and provide money and training to opposition groups, in order for them to generate a multiplier effect of the street actions of the ‘youth activists’, it details.

“Cuba does not tolerate interference in its internal affairs, neither from the United States nor from anyone”, the president wrote in another message.

The day before, the director general in charge of the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Fernández, denounced the direct involvement of the United States charge d’affaires in Havana, Timothy Zúñiga-Brown, to support the protagonists of an alleged strike by hunger in a Havana neighborhood.

With this action, amplified through social networks, the members of the so-called San Isidro Movement tried to force the release of one of its members who was punished for the crime of contempt of the authorities.

The Cuban government “is fully aware of the United States’ involvement in financing, guiding, and inciting groups and individuals to challenge the authority of the government of this Caribbean nation, both through peaceful and violent means”, the diplomat emphasized.

Caption: President of Cuba rejects interference and domination of the United States. Photo: Prensa Latina.

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