Brussels: European environmental and leftist organizations today demanded the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States (USA) against Cuba and recalled the rejection generated by this unilateral measure in the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UN), Prensa Latina publishes.

In the final declaration of the Fourth European Forum of the Green, Progressive and Left Forces, they advocated full respect for the Charter of the United Nations, whose purposes and principles violate the siege imposed by Washington on the island for six decades.  

“That is why we consider important the lifting of the blockades and embargoes that the United States maintains against Cuba and other countries, measures that the UN rejects for being contrary to International Law”, the text circulated here says.

Likewise, the online event showed opposition to the policies that seek to lead the planet to a new Cold War and divide it into closed blocks and economically and militarily confronted.

The final declaration of the forum includes an action plan for popular mobilization, a document signed among others by the European Left, Greens / European Free Alliance, Confederal of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left, CC AKEL (Cyprus), Syriza (Greece), Republican and Socialist Left (France), Communist Party of Spain and Sinn Féin (Ireland).

The forces also demanded free access to the vaccine against Covid-19 as a social right, respect for women’s rights, the end of environmental degradation policies and the fight against racism and xenophobia.

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