“No more solemn and exciting moment, no moment of legitimate pride and glory like this in which four and a half centuries of ignorance have been overthrown (…)”.

This phrase was pronounced by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro in the speech where Cuba was declared the first territory free of illiteracy, in Latin America.

Fidel came to call the literacy campaign: “as one of the greatest battles for culture that any people have ever fought.”

On December 22, 1961, 707 thousand Cubans were literate. The index was reduced to 3.9 percent of the total population.

To remember that feat carried out by thousands of volunteers every December 22, Educator’s Day is celebrated.

The education of a people is a success, which depends on the massive and unanimous participation of all organizations.

Today Cuba is an example for the world in educational matters. Due to his condition of solidarity, it extended the literacy method Yes I Can to those who needed it, which currently benefits millions of people in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Elsa Gómez Valle

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