Mayabeque, Cuba: Correcting and solving become key concepts in the implementation of the Ordering Task, which continues to give much to talk about among Cubans.

This process, led and carried out by the revolutionary government, has as a necessary practice permanent interaction with the people, the protagonist and recipient of everything that is arranged.

We have to start from the fact that the scenario in which the Ordering Task begins cannot be more complex, but the demands of the national economy made it urgent.

Like everything that implies change, there are those who resist it, there are those who openly declare themselves detractors, while there are others who defend it.

I recognize among the successes of the implementation of the Ordering Task that thousands of Cubans have required jobs in the Municipal Directorates of Labor and Social Security of the country.

There is also an energetic stance in the control of a higher quality of services, especially in commerce and gastronomy.

There is no doubt that prices are the most recurrent theme and where the main irregularities of this beginning of the Ordering Task are manifested.

We all have the right to express opinions, criticize and suggest, but also the duty to do from every trench so that things go well.

Maria Amalia Pérez

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