Jornada de homenaje a José Martí desde los centros educacionales.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Several activities are prepared in the educational centers of San José de Las Lajas to preserve the validity of the ideas of the Apostle José Martí.

On the 168th anniversary of his birth, the students of the capital of Mayabeque will pay tribute to the National Hero by holding contests allegorical to the anniversary, exhibitions on the life and work of the Master and the dissemination of his political and literary work in classes.

The Director of Municipal Education, Yoanis Hernández Herrera, said that the celebration day for January 28 this year will be atypical due to the epidemiological situation caused by Covid-19.

The official added that Marti parade is suspended to avoid the crowding of people, which can contribute to the spread of the disease.

Yadira Montero

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