More than 900 people have received Sovereign 02 with good results and immune response.

Mayabeque, Cuba: It is an immense pride for the workers of the National Center for Bio-preparations, directly linked to the production of Soberana 02, to also be part of the intervention clinical trial and receive immunization against COVID-19, Jorge Luis Hernández, from BIOCEN Aseptic Filling team, said.

Hernández is one of the 10 volunteers from that institution who received the first dose of Soberana 02 this Wednesday, as part of the clinical trial to evaluate the effects of vaccination against Sars-Cov-Dos in population groups at risk of infection, disease and epidemic dispersion.

The country-level study, which began Monday, includes subjects of both sexes, and ages between 19 and 80 years.

It also proposes to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed vaccination scheme and contribute to the massive immunization of the population.

Immunization and control

Lázaro Sánchez, organizer and planner of biopharmaceutical production at BIOCEN, highlighted the satisfaction of having produced in the entity more than 300 thousand units of Soberana 02 that pay tribute to phase III trials in the eight municipalities of the capital and to the intervention clinical trial.

He stated that he is proud to be among the first volunteers in the country to receive this immunization with Soberana 02, and further explained that they will be given two doses of Soberana 02 and a booster of Soberana Plus.

Since October 2020, clinical trials began in Cuba, and more than 900 people have received Soberana 02 with good results and an immune response.

At this time, phase III of clinical trials is being developed, which has allowed this intervention to be carried out in population cohorts with a higher risk of infection.

Por Redacción Digital

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