Puerto Batabanó.

Mayabeque, Cuba: In response to the agreements adopted in the most recent visit of the Cuban President, Miguel Díaz Canel, to the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud, the workers of the Southwest Port Services Unit of Batabanó, carry out a program of actions, linked to the transfer of resources that are key to the development of this Island territory.

The entity’s director, Víctor Soroa Bencomo, said: “On the way to Nueva Gerona, several equipment and supplies went out to boost the agriculture sector, take advantage of idle land to plant crops that guarantee local self-sufficiency.”

The shipment includes bulldozers and excavators, for the movement and labeling of the land.

Soroa Bencomo added that seventy-two tons of potatoes were transferred for social consumption.

A boat with pig and poultry feed left for Isla de la Juventud, with around 19 containers, as well as flour to make bread for the basic family basket and construction materials for the investment program.

All embarkation actions were carried out without setbacks, while marble and kaolin from the young island were received as part of the disembarkation.

Por Redacción Digital

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