Haitians mobilize again.

Port-au-Prince: Movements, social organizations and political groups in Haiti called for three days of mobilizations in defense and respect of the 1987 Constitution, which restored freedoms and rights after three decades of dictatorship on the Caribbean island, Prensa Latina reports.

On March 29, the 34th anniversary of the constitutional referendum that led to the 1987 Magna Carta, the Democratic and Popular Sector, the Protestant Commission against Dictatorship and Mache pou lavi (We March for Life) invited the population to mobilize on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month.

The days of protests will also serve to denounce the actions of President Jovenel Moïse, considered by these platforms contrary to the Constitution, in addition to the popular consultation project undertaken by the Government to modify the Magna Carta.

According to the former Minister of the Feminine Condition Marjorie Michel, the protests will not only demand respect for the current Constitution, but will also denounce the poor governance of the country.

Michel deplored the climate of insecurity and denounced an alleged alliance between the State and armed groups to the detriment of the most vulnerable population.

Rosemond Pradel of the Fusion of Social Democrats party rejected the government’s speech when he assures that the Constitution constitutes the main source of instability in the country.

“Presidents take what they want from the 1987 document and reject what they do not want, or do not want,” said the veteran politician, although he admitted that the law contains imperfections.

The protests in Haiti intensified since the beginning of February, and despite popular pressure and the worsening climate of insecurity, President Moise still has the support of the United States and part of the international community that encourages elections to renew political personnel.

The Haitian government announced the popular consultation for June 27, which, if approved, would modify the current parliamentary system, eliminate the Senate and allow members of the diaspora to occupy political positions.

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