Havana, Cuba: The Organization for the Liberation of Palestine today greeted the beginning of the 8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) of Cuba and ratified the solidity of the friendship and brotherhood that unite both peoples.

In a message sent to the first secretary of the PCC, Raúl Castro, the International Relations Department of the organization ratified its wishes for success and progress as well as the emancipation of all forms of colonization and injustice.

“On this occasion we cannot ignore the solid fraternal ties that unite the peoples of Palestine and Cuba”, the note released by the PCC website adds.

These ties were initiated by two physically missing giants; Yasser Arafat and Fidel Castro, and they grew and developed under the wise leadership of both peoples, he points out.

The 8th Congress of the PCC began today in this capital four days of analysis with an eye on the complex international context caused by Covid-19 and the national one, also impacted by the hostile policy of the United States.

Three working commissions focus their debates on crucial issues such as the Conceptualization of the national economic and social model of socialist development, until the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution.

The event coincides with the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban revolutionary process and the defeat of the mercenary invasion organized by Playa Girón, armed and financed by Washington.

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