Havana, Cuba: The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, greeted the beginning today of the 8th Congress of the country’s Communist Party (PCC), Prensa Latina reports.

In a message posted on his Twitter account, the president assured that ideas are strengthened at the meeting, history is recognized and the future is discussed.

According to the call, one of the purposes of the conclave is to update the resistance and development agenda, in particular the socialist model of the Caribbean nation.

Delegates will evaluate the results and relevance of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, a process that comes from the Sixth Congress, held in April 2011.

The document calling for the forum, which will run until next Monday, recognizes ‘objective and subjective problems that influence the pace at which approved policies and measures will be applied.’

The objective is to reach this 8th Congress with precise and concrete definitions, which strengthen and give continuity to the government program undertaken, in compliance with the Economic-Social Strategy to boost the economy and face the global crisis caused by Covid- 19, he notes.

The conclave is taking place in the midst of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 and its impact on all orders of national life, marked at the same time by the tightening of the blockade imposed by the United States on the archipelago for six decades.

In addition, it coincides with the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the socialist character of the Cuban revolutionary process and the defeat in Playa Girón of the mercenary invasion organized, armed and financed by Washington.

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