They trust Costa Rica that Cuba will succeed.

San José: The Popular Vanguard Party (PVP) and the Costa Rican Vanguardist Youth (JVC) of Costa Rica greeted the Cuban people in occasion of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), which is in session today in Havana, the Latin American Information Agency reports

“We Costa Rican communists recognize the strategic importance for the destiny of Cuba, the guarantee of the continuity of the revolutionary process and the irreversibility of socialism, we are sure that the results of the 8th. Congress will cement them with greater strength, thanks to the indissoluble unity of their people”, the message says.

The PVP and the JVC, the communist groups of Costa Rica, affirm that the people of Cuba, permanently besieged by the North American empire, with a criminal economic, financial and commercial blockade for more than 60 years, reinvent themselves and with great pragmatism seek to do in the face of that brutal attack.

They emphasize that “today Cuba seeks a necessary update of the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development, and of the implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution.”

Both political forces express their assurance that Cuba will be able to overcome these great challenges and continue to be the beacon that illuminates the path of all the peoples of the world.

The 8th Congress of the PCC began on Friday and will conclude tomorrow.

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