Mayabeque, Cuba: In the context of the commemoration of the 51st anniversary of the Provincial Radio Mayabeque Station, I spoke with Maikel Simón Ramos, who is a member of the new generation of the radio station worker in function of spaces that reflect the history and reality of the young province.
With his usual nobleness and humility, this multi-award winning radio program maker agreed to share his experiences and satisfactions of the last 13 years with Internet users.
Journalist: How long has Maikel Simón been a radio operator?
Maikel Simón Ramos: I started as a fan at the station. I remember my beginnings in the children’s program Barquito de Papel, I was around 11 years old.
Then in 2008 I joined the staff professionally, after passing the course that accredited me as director of programs. I have been working here for 13 years.
J: What does the Radio mean to you?
MSR: The radio is my life, it is a motivation, it is what encourages me to get up every day to dream.
J: What does Radio Mayabeque bring to you?
MSR: Mayabeque Radio station has allowed me to grow professionally and as a human being. Every minute I think about the radio and I do radio, because at home in the family setting I also spend time conceiving scripts, looking for information and I occupy myself as many hours a day.
J: How do you succeed in managing programs?
MSR: The greatest success of a Radio program director is in the trust you place in the group, the feedback we have with the external public, with the listeners, taking into account their criteria, opinions that are valid to be able to prosecute our work.
Here I have found teachers who still teach me, they correct me daily, they guide me and I am always ready to listen to them like the first day. I thank all those staff that in one way or another has had to do with my training and the program director that I am.
J: What is Radio Mayabeque for you?
MSR: Radio Mayabeque is a school, here since I was a little child I have seen several generations of radio operators pass by, in these studies I grew and my love for this profession that I currently perform also grew. Of this station I value its achievements, the unity of its group, the way it trains professionals.
J: What are your future goals and projects?
MSR: I am a radio operator and I improve myself daily and I have set several goals in my life, one was to complete the master’s degree in Socio-Cultural Work in 2005, and I achieved it.
I think the main goal is to continue creating a radio that pleases, that informs, that entertains, but above all that identifies with the people of this province, young but full of identity, traditions and customs.
Maykel Simón has deserved national recognition, in provincial festivals, in the Ultrasound Festival, carried out online. He was also awarded in several of the competitions of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC).
He confesses that, although he does not work to obtain awards, he considers that they allow evaluating the work that is carried out daily and measuring the quality of the radio product that is conceived. (IVP)