Havana, Cuba: Cuban health authorities reported 1,183 patients with Covid-19 on Tuesday, the highest number of diagnosed in one day since the onset of the disease in the country just over a year ago, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

During the usual press conference, the national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba (Minsap), Francisco Durán, announced that seven patients died from the disease, bringing the total number of deaths to 538.

24,039 patients were admitted for clinical epidemiological surveillance, 3,531 suspects, 15,415 under surveillance and 5,993 confirmed active.

For Covid-19, 22,239 samples were studied, resulting in 1,183 positive. The country accumulates 3,407,708 samples made and 95,754 positive (2.8%).

59 patients are treated in therapy rooms, of which 26 are reported in critical condition and 33 in serious condition.

This Monday, the country also registered a new negative record in terms of the number of autochthonous cases, with 1,168 infections.

By provinces, Havana continues to provide the highest daily number of confirmed cases, now with 544.

Of the confirmed cases, 1,137 (96.1%) are contacts of confirmed cases, for a total of 90,189 (94.2%), 1,183 cases are autochthonous, the highest figure reached so far in this section, 15 (12.7%) with sources of infection abroad (imported cases), with which there are already 5,332 (5.6%) and 31 (2.6%) without a specified source of infection, thus reaching 233 (0.2%) cases to date.

Meanwhile, 577 (48.8%) were asymptomatic and thus now add up to 48,687 patients (50.8%)

Residence by provinces of the diagnosed cases:

Pinar del Río: 11, Artemisa: 33, Havana: 544, Mayabeque: 28, Matanzas: 217, Cienfuegos: 13, Villa Clara: 9, Sancti Spíritus: 59, Ciego de Ávila: 6, Camagüey: 34, Las Tunas: 7, Granma: 75, Holguín: 80, Santiago de Cuba: 63, Guantánamo: 4

Of the 95 thousand 754 patients diagnosed with the disease, 5 thousand 093 remain hospitalized, of which 5 thousand 034 with stable clinical evolution. There were 538 deaths (seven in the day), two evacuees, 54 returned to their countries, on the day there were 994 discharges, there are 90 thousand 067 recovered patients (94.1%). 59 confirmed patients are cared for in intensive care, 26 of them critical and 33 seriously ill.

Until April 19, 190 countries and 29 territories with COVID-19 cases are reported, the confirmed cases amount to 142 million 507 thousand 315 (+ 645 thousand 475) with 18 million 310 thousand 257 active cases and 3 million 38 thousand 825 deaths (+ 9,242) for a fatality of 2.13 (-0.01).

In the region of the Americas region, 60 million 803 thousand 582 confirmed cases (+ 139 thousand 455) are reported, 42.66% of the total cases reported in the world, with 9 million 249 thousand 357 active cases and 1 million 470 thousand 218 deaths (+ 3 thousand 95) for a fatality of 2.42.

Por Redacción Digital

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