Mayabeque, Cuba: In the most recent part related to the behavior of the disease, Mayabeque registers 29 positive cases, distributed in 10 of its 11 municipalities.
As regards the official website of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), all are previously contacts confirmed cases.
As for the distribution by municipalities Bejucal and San José de las Lajas reported 7 cases each yesterday, while Batabanó, Jaruco and Quivicán 3.
In the case of Güines, Madruga, San Nicolás and Santa Cruz del Norte report a case each, and Nueva Paz 2.
In his usual press conference, the National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Dr. Francisco Durán García, reported that there are three patients from Mayabeque in intensive therapy.
- A Cuban citizen, 54, from Güines, with personal pathological history of arterial hypertension and obesity. He is afebril, with non-invasive ventilation. He hemodynamically stable with preserved diuresis. The thorax X-rays reveal inflammatory lesions in both pulmonary fields. He is reported in stable critical condition.
- A 79-year-old Cuban citizen from Santa Cruz del Norte, with personal pathological history of arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She remains in intensive care unit, with no fever, in spontaneous ventilation with supplementary oxygen. She is hemo-dynamically stable with preserved diuresis. The thorax X-rays reveal inflammatory injuries in both pulmonary bases. She is reported in serious condition.
- A Cuban, 57-year-old citizen from Güines, with personal pathological history of Hiatal Hernia and Chronic Gastritis. She is in intensive care, afebrile, sedated, in mechanical ventilation, with light respiratory distress and good oxygen saturation. She is hemodynamically stable, with preserved diuresis. The gasometry with light hypoxemia. X-rays of thorax shows inflammatory lesions in both pulmonary fields. Reported in stable critical condition.
- And a Cuban, 74-year-old citizen from Santa Cruz del Norte, with personal pathological history of blood hypertension, ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus. He is afebrile, with metabolic decontrol, in diabetic ketoacidosis that is still maintained with insulin in infusion, in spontaneous ventilation without supplementary oxygen. He is hemo-dynamically stable. Preserve Diuresis. Torax X ray shows inflammatory injuries on left base. He is reported in serious condition.
Today the youngest province laments the death of a 74-year-old Cuban citizen, from the municipality of Bejucal, who presented as a personal pathological history hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease.
With a 14-day hospital stay, he maintained a clinical, humoral, gasometric and radiological worsening, in addition to the painting of respiratory insufficiency and shock, presenting nasal, olopeoparral bleeding, metabolic alterations. He made extreme bradycardia, followed by cardiac arrest in assistole, cardiorespiratory resuscitation maneuvers were not effective. We deeply regret what happened and we transmit our condolences to family and friends.