Four years after his passage to immortality, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, continues with the force of his ideas, propelling the Cuban Revolution towards new victories.
From the monolith that keeps his ashes in the patrimonial cemetery of Santa Ifigenia, in Santiago de Cuba, he continues to fight battles for the Revolution and socialism on this large island.
His legacy is a source of inspiration for the people of Mayabeque, who give continuity to the work he began.
The youngest province in the country saw him several times. When at the beginning of the Revolution, in the park of Güines, he highlighted the advantages of the Agrarian Reform and summoned the industrialists to cooperate, offering them all kinds of guarantees, or in the first Harvest of the People, when dressed as a militiaman, he cut and raised canes in the Jesús Menéndez cooperative, in the town of Aguacate.
We remember Fidel’s constant presence and attention to the agricultural, scientific and economic development of the region, when he built the largest rum factory in Cuba in Santa Cruz del Norte, or in his tours of the Valle del Perú Livestock Company, in San José de las Lajas territory where for the first time in the country it proposed the application of the Solomonic Law.
Fidel always demonstrated his concern for the human being, which was manifested in works of social benefit, with the inauguration of health, educational and scientific assistance centers.
His interest in putting science in function of the development of the country had a high expression in this province. His constant work even today serves as an example and a spur.
The eternal commander had a leading role in the National Literacy Campaign, when Melena del Sur proclaimed itself the first territory free of illiteracy and contributed several of his children to the Playa Girón deed to crush the mercenary invasion.
Until the last minutes of his life, Fidel was a tireless fighter in thought and action, ready to give his entire existence to the cause of the humble of this world.
On November 25, 2016, El Caballo, as we Cubans also knew him, undertook his journey towards other horizons of struggle and revolutionary epic.
There is no defeat as long as there is the possibility of fighting, he taught us the people from Mayabeque to resist and above all else he taught us to win.
Caption: Fidel always showed his concern for the human being Photo: Juventud Rebelde