The block imposed on Cuba must cease.

Recently an American citizen explained that for many Americans the blockade is indifferent, since they do not know about it despite the existence of the economic embargo for more than six decades.

It is logical, since they do not suffer it on a daily basis, now the inexplicable thing is the denial of some Cubans to an increasingly evident problem. We cannot ignore the internal obstacles, it would be to try to silence the voice of a nation, however to ignore the real effects of the financial siege is just unforgettable.

A sensitive issue that of course does not escape the ill intentions of the extra territorial policy of the United States is the construction sector.

Given the refusal of the neighboring administration not to sell equipment and parts to Cuba, the Exporting and Importing Company of Equipment for the branch had to make additional payments to countries in Europe and Asia for the freight of three containers, an excess of expenses due to geographic relocation. of trade and problems with the supply of contracted resources.

It also makes it impossible to acquire raw materials and energy carriers for the production of construction materials with US components, as well as the dollar in commercial and financial transactions abroad, thus generating losses in the exchange rate variation and making the product more expensive.

The US blockade of the Cuban people is real, its unlimited scope makes it impossible to ignore and even more so in the current epidemiological situation.

Nileyan Reyes Miranda

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