Today is a significant day for all program directors, especially those of Radio Mayabeque, as the date invites us to recognize their work and to have different views of this media.

This profession is confused by some with other functions within the radio, for that reason our plant makes a difference and highlights its role within the programming.

The program director is the common thread of each space; it is as the good Cuban would say who moves the chips.

If we do a bit of history, it is valid to pay tribute to the creator and National Radio Award, Carmen Solar, because on July 8 this outstanding actress was born, who has honored us with her presence on several occasions and the date was chosen to honor her work for so many years.

Furthermore, it is also a privilege that this woman with firm steps has lived in the city of Güines, where it is precisely the headquarters of our provincial radio station.

Her career is so wide that words cannot reach, that is why the best entertainment is from each space, where undoubtedly each director of Radio Mayabeque programs has her work in mind.

Carmen Solar has dedicated her entire life to her public, that is why she received the Status of Artist of Merit on Radio and Television. Today we put up her name and congratulate those who carry out this profession.

Betsy Santiler Hernández

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